2011 cbc wiretap

Holiday Advice from Wiretap

I love Wiretap on CBC. It might possibly be my favourite thing on the CBC. I have frequently had to pull over the car while listening because I was laughing so hard. So on Wiretap's Facebook page this morning, Jonathan Goldstein (aka my imaginary boyfriend #357) announced that Wiretap regular Gregor Ehrlich would, in the spirit of the holiday, answer burning personal life-questions from listeners. And he answered mine! My Christmas is now complete.

Bitten by the holiday spirit bug, WireTap regular Gregor Ehrlich has generously agreed to help solve your problems, and you sent them in by the dozens. Here's the first batch of his thoughtful replies:

"Dear Gregor: I keep buying weird things after I have had a glass or two of wine. Last night it was a giant plush snowman and multigrain ranch Pringles which were, frankly, disgusting. Please help. Signed, Danielle Lemon"

(Ed's note: True story. I did buy a giant plush snowman and multigrain ranch Pringles, and they were disgusting)

Dear Lemon:

Wine is for amateurs. Stick to my signature holiday cocktail of Tang

and Everclear. Way more efficient, packed with Vitamin C, and pretty

much shuts you down from buying anything after two glasses.

You can visit Wiretap's Facebook advice and see more of Gregor's wisdom here.