La Dolce Vegan Challenge: Catching Up Again

Life is very busy at the moment. Work is picking up (yay) and we're into the thick of rehearsals for "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum," which is opening at the Jericho Arts Centre on October 4th. I'm playing super-bitch Domina. So, although I started this week with the best of intentions to keep up with the cooking challenge, alas, by Saturday I was woefully behind again and was in for a marathon day of cooking, drafting documents for work, doing legal research at the Courthouse Library, and re-introducing myself to Currie Cat, who has forgotten what I look like.

Saturday breakfast was Raspberry Walnut Pancakes (p.38). I substituted Red Mill Gluten Free Hearty Baking and Biscuit flour, which is recommended for pancakes. They tasted fine but they were a horrible gloppy mess - the minute I tried to flip them, no matter how small I made them, they disintegrated. So - gluten-free pancake fail.

Gloopy Mess.

After I spent the afternoon working, I came home to make on marathon 4 recipe meal: Salad with Creamy Caesar Dressing and Pan-Fried Croutons (pp. 93 & 298), Melissa's Stuffed Mushrooms (p. 58), Quick Miso Soup for One (p.103) and Kim's Peach-zza (p.232). I am becoming a master of multi-tasking, and so I was able to get all of this done within about an hour, having made the Basic Vegan Crust for the Peach-zza before I left for the Courthouse Library.

I made a few substitutions: I used whole almonds in the Creamy Caesar dressing instead of blanched, which resulted in a darker brown dressing, but it tasted absolutely fine, and I didn't have enough peaches for the Peach-zza so I added a few Gala apples. The Easy Miso soup, full of ginger, garlic and kale, was a great thing, as I'm starting to get run-down and cold-y/flu-y, and the hot ginger brother was great for my sinuses. I was dreading making the stuffed mushrooms, thinking it would be a finicky business, but they were super-easy, but un-leftover-able as they became a little bit soggy during the baking process and weren't worth saving.

And now I'm behind again! I'm in the middle of a marathon 8 hour rehearsal for Forum, and woke up too late to make today's entry, Sundried Tomato and Kalamata Soda Bread. Oh well, I guess there's always midnight tonight...

Melissa's Stuffed Mushroom Caps.

Salad with Pan-Fried Croutons.

Creamy Caesar Dressing

Easy Miso Soup for One.

Kim's Peach-zza. Before Dani.

Kim's Peach-zza. After Dani.